This is not expressible as a first-order predicate calculus property. 这就是一个一阶谓词演算不可表述的属性。
This kind of assertion seems previou assert order to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first-order predicate calculus. 这种情况下的断言似乎似乎这种原地就需要实现特定的语言扩展,于是一些人建议引入一阶谓引入一些实现词演算。
Predicate logic: also predicate calculus, which studies the internal structure of simple propositions. 谓词逻辑:也叫谓词演算,它研究简单命题的内部结构。
A legitimate expression of the predicate calculus. That is, it is acceptable under the predicate calculus 'syntax. 一个合法的谓词演算表达式,即谓词演算语法所允许的公式。
Atomic formula in predicate calculus 谓词演算中的原子公式
Construction of predicate calculus finite set based on the requirement of management information ontology 管理信息本体需求的谓词演算有限集构造
Connective in predicate calculus 谓词演算中的连接词
The atomic formula is called atom for short in predicate calculus. 在谓词演算中,有时将原子公式简称为原子。
Also, first-order predicate calculus isn't good enough anyway. 同时,从各方面来说,一阶谓词演算都不是足够好。
Backtracking and cut. Finally, we will illustrate the process of converting predicate calculus formula to Horn clauses using PROLOG program. 匹配归结、回溯和cut控制等,并介绍了应用PROLOG程序将谓词公式转换为Horn子句的过程。
The narrow medium system only consists of the medium propositional system MP and its expansion MP, the medium predicate calculus system MF and its expansion MF and the system ME. 狭义的中介系统仅指中介逻辑ML,它由中介命题系统MP及其扩张系统MP、中介谓词演算系统MF及其扩张系统MF,以及带等词的中介谓词演算系统ME组成。
Program schemas and predicate calculus 程序模式和谓词演算
It has been proved that the ZF system based on second order predicate calculus is superior to BG system both in conception and in formulation. 本文将说明建基于二级谓词演算的ZF系统,无论从概念(意义)上或形式推导上都优于BG系统。
Remainder method for the mechanical theorem proving in first-order predicate calculus 一阶谓词演算定理机器证明的余式方法
Predicate calculus system of medium logic(ⅰ) 中介逻辑的谓词演算系统(Ⅰ)
Three temporal logics i.e. first-order predicate calculus, modal logic and reified logic are discussed. 讨论了三种时间逻辑方法:一阶谓词演算,模态逻辑及具体化逻辑。
In 1879, the publication of "Concept Writing" marks the foundation of propositional calculus and the predicate calculus& the basic part of mathematical logic. 1879年《概念文字》的出版,标志着数理逻辑的基础部分&命题演算和谓词演算正式建立。
A new formal deductive system for fuzzy predicate calculus 一个新的模糊谓词演算形式系统
This paper deals with completeness of predicate calculus system of medi--um logic MF. 本文讨论了中介谓词逻辑系统MF的完备性。
Merging γω-calculus and predicate calculus in a first-order mathematical theory γω演算与谓词演算融合于一阶数学理论中
PKI Trust Model Analysis Based on Probabilistic Model and Conditional Predicate Calculus Logic 基于概率和条件逻辑的PKI信任模型推理
At last, the tableau system of medium logic predicate calculus system MFM is constructed, and the soundness and completeness of the system is proved. This system can act as the automated reasoning system in incomplete information environments. 最后,建立了中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM的表推演系统,并证明了该系统的可靠性和完备性,该系统可作为不完全信息的自动推演系统。
This paper investigates the theory and application of incomplete information system by using the medium logic predicate calculus system MFM. 本文借助中介逻辑谓词演算系统MFM,对不完全信息系统的理论和应用进行了研究。
Algorithm and Its Applications of Transformation between Medium Predicate Calculus Systems ME and ME 中介谓词演算系统ME与ME之间的化归算法及其应用
The structure and process in PI is similarly to deduction in logic. But PI has much richer structures than predicate calculus. It is a complex of logic and psychology. PI的结构与过程类似于逻辑中的演绎推理,但它的可取之处在于它可以提供比谓词逻辑更加丰富的结构形式,它是心理学与逻辑的综合。
A hierarchical logical framework, MT, is defined, which is suited for representing and reasoning with multiple theories. MT extends classical two sort predicate calculus in several ways: Allowing to represent multiple theories, each theory is stated in a context; 文中为多理论系统建立了一个层次的理论框架&MT.MT在几个方面推广了传统的二型一阶谓词演算:允许表示多个理论,每个理论都在一个context内声明;
This paper introduces first-order predicate calculus and assertion method from precondition to postcondition into the research of refactoring. 引入了一阶谓词演算和前后断言方法,并且自定义了一个重构可靠性证明的逻辑推理系统:重构可靠性推演系统。
The Medium Logic Propositional Calculus System MPM and the Medium Logic Predicate Calculus System MFM are new logic systems. They are fit for dealing with incomplete information. 中介逻辑命题演算系统MP~M和中介逻辑谓词演算系统MF~M是一种适用于处理不完全信息的新的逻辑系统。
This paper introduces first-order predicate calculus and assertion method from precondition to postcondition into the research of refactoring. And a logic deduction system is put forward in this paper: Refactoring Reliability Deduction System. 本文从理论上对重构的可行性和可靠性进行了较深入的研究。引入了一阶谓词演算和前后断言方法,并且自定义了一个重构可靠性证明的逻辑推理系统:重构可靠性推演系统。
With the widely application of Ontology in various fields, ontology representation has become one of hot spots in recent years, Nowadays there are many kinds of ontology language which are mainly based on predicate calculus, chart and web-oriented. 随着本体在各个领域的广泛应用,本体的表示方法也成为近年来研究热点之一,目前存在多种本体表示语言,主要分为基于谓词演算、基于图和面向Web三类。
a system of symbolic logic that represents individuals and predicates and quantification over individuals (as well as the relations between propositions)